This powerful program helps caregivers work on their own “stuff” so they can be at a better place to help their children. It’s offered in small groups and led by a TBRI Practitioner and MSOYW Facilitator.

Niceville (women’s group) & Ocala (men’s and women’s) groups are FREE for Marion, Okaloosa and Walton County residents.

8 week program (online & in-person options)

Ocala: Thursdays 10am-12pm Feb. 15th- April 11th (No class on March 21st) Register for Ocala group HERE.

Niceville: Thursdays 10am-12pm Feb. 15th-April 11th (No class on March 21st) Register for Niceville group HERE.

What is the Healing Homes Program?

  • In the fall, caregivers learn how to trade in traditional parenting (that often is just making things worse) for the best in trauma-informed care. We know TBRI is working when JOY returns to the home!

  • Dr. Karyn Purvis said that caregivers cannot lead children to a place of healing that they have not been themselves. MSOYW serves as a gentle guide as caregivers do the hard work of healing themselves. This portion of the program is offered in the spring.

  • Throughout the Healing Homes program, every family has a TBRI Practitioner who will walk alongside them as they work to implement trauma-informed practices into their home.

Who is it for?

  • Healing Homes is funded by the United Way of Marion County and United Way of Emerald Coast and is currently only open to those living in Marion, Okaloosa and Walton Counties.

    Family Nurture Nights in Ocala are funded by the Ausley Foundation.

  • While we know trauma can impact ANY child, this program is for foster/adoptive/kinship or non-relative caregivers in Marion, Okaloosa and Walton Counties..


Hear from Past Participants: